What To Do When Your Fire Escape Fails Inspection

What To Do When Your Fire Escape Fails Inspection

Fire escape inspections are vital for ensuring the safety and legal compliance of your property. For homeowners and property managers, a failed inspection can be both alarming and overwhelming.

So, what do you do if your fire escape fails inspection? Keep reading to find out what to do when your fire escape fails inspection and how to prevent failures in the future.

Immediate Steps After Failure

Upon receiving the results of a failed inspection, immediate action is crucial. First, secure the fire escape to prevent anyone from using it until you complete repairs. This might involve roping off the area and posting clear warning signs to inform residents and visitors of the danger.

Next, contact a certified fire escape contractor to assess the damage and provide a detailed plan for repairs. Only a professional can identify all the issues and ensure the necessary corrections meet legal requirements. After completion, you’ll need another fire escape inspection to ensure the structure is now safe and viable.

Long-Term Solutions

Addressing fire escape deficiencies requires more than just quick fixes. You'll need to implement long-term solutions to ensure lasting safety and compliance. Consistent inspections and upkeep will prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems.

Consider upgrading to modern materials that offer greater durability and resistance to corrosion. Applying a protective coating can extend the life of your fire escape by shielding it from the elements. Finally, make sure to keep accurate records of all inspections and repairs—this will be crucial for future reference and can help streamline the process during future inspections.

Legal and Insurance Implications

Failing an inspection has significant legal and insurance implications. From a legal standpoint, non-compliance with fire safety codes can result in fines and penalties. In severe cases, it can even lead to legal action from tenants or residents.

Another thing to do when your fire escape fails inspection is to contact your insurance provider. A failed inspection can affect your property insurance coverage, potentially leading to increased premiums or even policy cancellation. It's essential to work closely with your insurance provider to understand how the failed inspection impacts your policy and what steps you need to take to restore coverage.

Preventing Future Failures

Preventing fire escape failures requires proactive measures and ongoing diligence. Regular inspections are crucial. Schedule annual or bi-annual check-ups with a certified contractor to catch issues early. During inspections, focus on structural components, paint quality, and overall integrity.

Maintenance is also important. Keep the fire escape clean and debris-free. Treat rust spots promptly and ensure all bolts and fastenings are secure. Repaint regularly to protect from the elements and maintain integrity.

Find Professional Fire Escape Services at Maximum Fire Escapes

Whether you need to repair, construct, paint, or inspect a fire escape, Maximum Fire Escapes is here to help. Our trusted team are experts in every aspect of fire escape maintenance, construction, and compliance. Contact our team to learn more about our fire escape services and how we can ensure your building and fire escape are safe.


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